Jar of Behavior & Instinct Code
​Whether believe or not believe but there is the law and the truth
The DNA Religion is the most difficult science to practice
Because It is fixing the deepest part inside each of us who learning.
To change our D.N.A. we will need to begin from our heart that born before D.N.A.
As the heart is the automatic function machine that writing record our behavior to built up the stack of activity timeline experience in every moment of life and after life.
Attach in the jar of instinc that lock with our heart code or something like the sculpture on the rock no one else know or to change but only you.
There is the caution to realized ourself deep to our heart.
​Heart changed then behavior changed

​​Nothing is important if we living with sickness
Never found good meaning of life if we can not fix the sadness.
Every single thing we did or even just thinking, will come back around.
The Heart is the first tool that will need to practice to change and control new mechanism to draw new D.N.A code.
When D.N.A. Is changed, there is one thing still need to learning about your new D.N.A.
R.N.A. might confused to adjust the balancing. At some timeframe left the gap between DNA & RNA.
That's mean the sickness.
To practice will need to stay peaceful like meditation.
Not only sit cross your legs and closed you eyes
BUT meditation while walking
When we could hear heart frequency pulsing so we can see our D.N.A structure.
Meditation should not cause you serious
because the intention of The Meditation is moderation and knowing why are you there?
To realized everything happened because you were involved
To teach yourself with compromising as forgiveness or take responsibility to fix that fault
To end that trouble.
The you will find the gate of happiness
It is difficult to fix our heart.
Compare to the light that we can see but the heart is travel freedom
sometime exhaust and sometimes goes faster beyond the light.
Fast enough to draw the picture in our dream and imagination.
Fast enough to reach The Moon before the light travel.
The DNA Religion helps further than that.
When the heart changed then DNA and RNA changed , then it upgrade the body.
What does that mean?
Beyond the light year
Only The Heart could travel crossing the sky faster without being destroy.
To find the next places to grow new upgrad body.
After life might be a second for us to reborn if we know
Where do we like or support our heart wave energy the most.
​​Nothing is important if we living with sickness
Never found good meaning of life if we can not fix the sadness.
Every single thing we did or even just thinking, will come back around.
The Heart is the first tool that will need to practice to change and control new mechanism to draw new D.N.A code.
When D.N.A. Is changed, there is one thing still need to learning about your new D.N.A.
R.N.A. might confused to adjust the balancing. At some timeframe left the gap between DNA & RNA.
That's mean the sickness.
To practice will need to stay peaceful like meditation.
Not only sit cross your legs and closed you eyes
BUT meditation while walking
When we could hear heart frequency pulsing so we can see our D.N.A structure.
Meditation should not cause you serious
because the intention of The Meditation is moderation and knowing why are you there?
To realized everything happened because you were involved
To teach yourself with compromising as forgiveness or take responsibility to fix that fault
To end that trouble.
The you will find the gate of happiness
It is difficult to fix our heart.
Compare to the light that we can see but the heart is travel freedom
sometime exhaust and sometimes goes faster beyond the light.
Fast enough to draw the picture in our dream and imagination.
Fast enough to reach The Moon before the light travel.
The DNA Religion helps further than that.
When the heart changed then DNA and RNA changed , then it upgrade the body.
What does that mean?
Beyond the light year
Only The Heart could travel crossing the sky faster without being destroy.
To find the next places to grow new upgrad body.
After life might be a second for us to reborn if we know
Where do we like or support our heart wave energy the most.
"GOD" provided
The purpose of The D.N.A. Religion
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Rotation learning begin with
The Logic of Natural funcion
The Life Circle System
The Love VS The Muder
The Mercy VS The Sacrifice
The Forgiveness.
All inside every religions
Only when our heart ready.
We left thing behind without worry.​
We understand of mercy for The Unisex.
We are 100% human.
We discontinue next generation and sex activity by self, other or together.
When we discontinue next generation from sexuality and understand the logic of compromising to live through any condition that life had experiences or learn from every religion,
will adjust our D.N.A and R.N.A and upgrage to next level.
That's why there are monk in the temple
nunn in the church
Priest or normal human was trained from the religion
And trained animal.
Sometime they did not know thier DNA life code has changed
But it already set the line for them to get there.
And similar to those mentioning could help us personally to adjust the D.N.A.
Even The God could lives longer but it does not mean the could live forever or had a perfect life.
At the same time that The God came to taught us on Earth was tough
and surrounded by aggressive human who never seen love in life and tried to disturbing and hurting..
Even though he look like us but nothing could cut through his skin easy.
It was shiny like covering with gold, sometime white, brown, dark purple & blue to black. Depended on temperatures conditon. And recovered from injured fast like water ran to water
The Wild Animal was too kind if compare to most of human.
When the animal touched the mercy, then they felt safe to get closed and be around.
Many wild life were saved from the hunter when God convince and taught those hunter.
Sad that we unable to combine all religion together becuase of the time that we have is too short
Compare to them who saved all we need to know.
Do Not Trap D.N.A.
Because nothing can last forever even this planet.
We need to find new planet to live but not this body could travel along through the acid space.
Only The Heart that be able to matching those place for the permittion to born.
The Sin that we will never forgot is murdered the gratitude person
And suicidal
That will trapped D.N.A.
If you are murderer, you will be killed in next life somehow at the same place.
If you did suicide, you will come to the same place in next life
No matter how far but your D.N.A. has set for you to suicide again and again.
If whoever kill the god,
the nature will call you all to come to the same place without knowing each other​
Then vanishing agian and again until understand the life
And The Heart are the gift of The Universe.
And similar to those mentioning could help us personally to adjust the D.N.A.
Even The God could lives longer but it does not mean the could live forever or had a perfect life.
At the same time that The God came to taught us on Earth was tough
and surrounded by aggressive human who never seen love in life and tried to disturbing and hurting..
Even though he look like us but nothing could cut through his skin easy.
It was shiny like covering with gold, sometime white, brown, dark purple & blue to black. Depended on temperatures conditon. And recovered from injured fast like water ran to water
The Wild Animal was too kind if compare to most of human.
When the animal touched the mercy, then they felt safe to get closed and be around.
Many wild life were saved from the hunter when God convince and taught those hunter.
Sad that we unable to combine all religion together becuase of the time that we have is too short
Compare to them who saved all we need to know.
Do Not Trap D.N.A.
Because nothing can last forever even this planet.
We need to find new planet to live but not this body could travel along through the acid space.
Only The Heart that be able to matching those place for the permittion to born.
The Sin that we will never forgot is murdered the gratitude person
And suicidal
That will trapped D.N.A.
If you are murderer, you will be killed in next life somehow at the same place.
If you did suicide, you will come to the same place in next life
No matter how far but your D.N.A. has set for you to suicide again and again.
If whoever kill the god,
the nature will call you all to come to the same place without knowing each other​
Then vanishing agian and again until understand the life
And The Heart are the gift of The Universe.
And similar to those mentioning could help us personally to adjust the D.N.A.
Even The God could lives longer but it does not mean the could live forever or had a perfect life.
At the same time that The God came to taught us on Earth was tough
and surrounded by aggressive human who never seen love in life and tried to disturbing and hurting..
Even though he look like us but nothing could cut through his skin easy.
It was shiny like covering with gold, sometime white, brown, dark purple & blue to black. Depended on temperatures conditon. And recovered from injured fast like water ran to water
The Wild Animal was too kind if compare to most of human.
When the animal touched the mercy, then they felt safe to get closed and be around.
Many wild life were saved from the hunter when God convince and taught those hunter to moderate hurting any one life, in case they found the hard time to stop.
If killing any life, those life must not feel pain.
If those life will become the food, it is safe to body after consumed.
Whenever those life had to feel fear, pain, angry, hopelessness or any feeling of the death.
Thier heart wave will changed from normal.
The nature of wave is " to connect".
Whoever get involved killing these life has recieved those heart wave automatically and unlimited to whoever just eating or just only seeing and hearing.
Those waves of feeling are float in the air waiting for connecting.
Broken wave is also need to stay exist and need to connect.
Did you know everything born from the waves.
Anything born from imperfect waves mean, disability, germ, virus, depression, mentality, and all outbreaking sickness.
When someone cause them to the death, thier imperfect wave is trying to devolop itself to be perfect to adjust the wave status to the normal to be able to live freedom.
But they has to living inside the host for sometime to lifetime.
No matter any host, long life o short life.
The host with the same heart wave behavior will be found to recieve it individually and/ or a group of them.
No escape No hidding No changing your look, name or place .
Because The Wave is communicate with wave and travel faster than light if it wanted to.
This is not the curse but it is the circle that never end when the first heart of
the entire system is still pulsing.
Sad that we unable to combine all religion together becuase of the time that human has is too short
Compare to God.
Do not judge that god is better to live longer.
We all had built to suitable with the origin where we born.
The Wave must stayable to become DNA.
Do Not Trap or disturb D.N.A.
Because nothing can last forever even this planet.
We need to find new planet to live but not this body could travel along through the acid space.
Only The Heart that be able to matching those place for the permittion to born.
The Sin that we will never forgot is murdered the gratitude person
And suicidal
That will trapped D.N.A.
If you are murderer, you will be killed in next life somehow at the same place.
If you did suicide, you will come to the same place in next life
No matter how far but your D.N.A. has set for you to suicide again and again.
If whoever kill the god,
the nature will call you all to come to the same place without knowing each other​
Then vanishing agian and again until understand and apreciatethe life
the life and the Heart are the gift of The Universe.

The Journey of D.N.A.
When you believe in the logic then you can see the truth structure is in everything. Not only sexual but anything could happened when fertilization meet and active to be able to continue by copy the same information and upgrade whatever your life had done or just thinking of it to roll record into DNA chain or The jar of behaviors, for next generation of body device. Meanwhile, it is the journey of The Lif3volution mean of our DNA wave code is travel everywhere at the same time to find home boundary, to practice immunity as the guardian and to see where is compromise for us to survive in this Universe.
Without Heart
The Universe could never lives ​​
Heart is the leader that control by 4 powers. In return those 4 powers received order and power by the heart.
They are truth relationship that balancing each other.
No one live if one die.
That's mean every single time that our heart pulsing is contain 4 steps. In every 1 minute heart pulsing 78 beats, approximately.
They will understand each other by heart language. Language that could be signs, instrumental, touch, speak, code, special unique senses, image or even silent.
Heart will calling each other without invitation by mail, email, postcard, advertising, text or phone call.
Heart will goes with the flow no matter what will happens during the way or at the destination.
House, bird nest, lives, rocks, cloud, water and every community. They were split apart and reconnect again with recognize of heart structure or heart wave that curve or surface touch and holding with same expectation.
4 spikes Pyramids represent heart wave in every single pulsing of 4 legs animal and human that contain 4 steps pumping. That had upgraded from none leg life. Those none leg life has strong electric to control plasma and move freedom like snake or shapable to any kind because has no organ yet but only flexible heart and be able to imitate color to hide or isolate like octopus or light glow on skin on demand.
Those life has 2 genders in one body.
When found stable for self balance then plasma
start organize itself system and promote any part that can be represent or support each other energy.
That was the revolute to new life by glow slowly inside the egg shell, seed inside the fruit or scarab beetle larva in rolling ball.
Every life that has growing process continue to strong level to be able to crack the shell out before run out oxygen or food inside the shell and ready to run, learn fast, fight right the way while body still continue glowing up more.
They lived their life without spouse partner because they were 2 genders in one
Every life is inside the shell after plasma snake found self behave.
Written and art outside and interior are represent heart's memory that explain how heart saved information from The Universe automatic function to producing and developing DNA. that generate by wave frequency to support the shape itself to next revolution which could grow none stop, long life or repeat.
Repeat mean born, grow, decline, die and reborn.
metabolism plasma treatments
Life who live on the ground has metabolism to protect the whole body during differences of temperature seasons, condition in the air.
Rapid reaction could happend before and beyond brain will realized or eyes to see.
If want to compare metebolism plasma with any job that human do, it could be postman who has responsibility to pick up and send to the correct address.
But it does not write the address and information with pen or hand.
How does metabolism knows who is reciever and sender?
Someone might laugh but I going to say it anyway.
It works by the order of heart.
Blood cell is the envelope that filled with nuclous which coating electricity that works together with mitrocondia as magnet hybrid energy that pulsing as the heart rate at the center of the heart. There is exchange point to recharge or reheat electric energy then copy heart's wave from automatic instinc or DNA, every experience, nuetrition, element inside out and more.
So that's mean each blood cell will recieved differeces electricity level to active the wave frequency in difference shape, such as type of nuetrition, mood, any senses affectivity and more
To categorize type of electricity wave frequency. Every single blood cell will transfer electricity copy out to build new cell copy or organ. Blood cell has equal amount to organ cell as a pair.
It is movable like water but hold tight when live outside tissue protection. That because metabolism plasma is trying to form shape to protect itself from chemistry infusion that molecul holding like web or net. Then extract or squeez gelatin that contain collagen to coat surface, stack layers up together with filling the gap with amino acid and upgrade to protine.
the lowest level
Live underwater has stronger metabolism to help them survive in hot water or cold water
When live in the dark hot- Metabolism will increase the amount of iron and change collagen to gelatin or see through for balancing body tempreture by protect all 3 skin level. More fantastically is metabolism could mimic every color it touching even invisible color.
I am afraid that might be someone sit near me now. Live with concentrate metabolim.
Every live grow and movable by metabolism plasma.
If it concentrate to black color level, those metabolisim will be able to live outside body and copy anything to unlimited shape that because it super concentrate and sticky. Be able to live to survive by transform the sun light to chloraphyll and absorb food mineral from the ground to grow as the plant, vine, or tree.
And or find a new host either death body or still alive.
Sticky oil like basamic reduction inside The Mummy, conopic jar and tub near ritual.
or actually that was
The remain of orinal Mummy's blood?
If so, then
Giza was a place of eternity life.
no worries if you body is cut pieces.
Half Human half animal was nothing for them to fell surprised!
Because it was
Next level and beyond of treatment.
They was
Place of Life
Electricity is Life
Balance of life
Metabolism & Plasma exchange center.
To purchase
To upgrade
To clone
To donate organ
To grow new organ
By send their sleeping body through small tube move to each process like The Dall factory or automatic car washing machine.
That was not easy for people who need this kind of treatment if they scare of deep sleeping.
Deep sleep is sound relaxing but sleep until organ were completely connected underneath linen tape and drown your body in the concentrate metebolism plasma and allowed it
osmosis into body passing through every cut
to heal, to exchange nutrions.
Our blood is too weak.
We can see when blood run through the cut and drop on the ground then change from watery to harder or firm. If our blood has that strong metabolism plasma, our blood can becomes new life in 1 minute without firtilization from sex.
Imagine the first life should been lives and moves liquidly. Yes of course the first life was not born on Earth orginally.
Supakan Wattanaboon
Founder of SHONZ & The Artisterrestrial Online Gallery

The Universe spider web network
Spider has multi eyes that be able to see it own heart wave, to lock the target and jump in the air like ninja.
Spider heart wave pulsing from center chest expand out like circle or 8 angers in similar pattern which mostly like flat disc.
There will start from 4 or and double up to 8 main pillars to support it own weight and hard to destroy. Then they will see the center where main webs cross each other.
Start from there where it will see it own heart wave. Then 8 eyes will locks or remember wave frequency structure and how far it the edge of heart rang. No matter spider standing, spinning, hanging head down or up, spider vision is only see target steady
Web contain static electricity that communicate with spider like nerve built outside body for sensors or catch food.
​Spider will notice like electric send from web to spark in heart rapidly then run to object like automatic.​

We are not alone but our D.N.A still travel to find place to born.
The Earth is very amazing example laboratory where the D.N.A wave could
live like the other planet, but the difference thing is D.N.A. wave on The Earth has so much element that support D.N.A. to grow.
Compare to our D.N.A. wave on another planet that can only remain as the wave still. But some planet has our D.N.A. could grow toller than us on earth.
And somewhere also has our imperfect D.N.A. could grow as the virus
and need to live inside us for practicing the higher ability.
It depend on the elevate or the level of D.N.A. size that sending out from invisible until visible back and forth with the power of velocity.
We connecting to each other with invisible network but the communication will create stronger connection.
Become relationship and culture.
To becomes The Shape of Us
Is really depends on
what we could practice
Are you an Assassin?
Are you selfish by taking what ever you don't belong?
Are you messed up in relationships?
Are you an Unfaithful?
Are you drunk and losing self control?
Obtain to fix those of 5 opposites are Helping us
becoming normal ​shape of us or Human norm.
D.N.A Lifetime

The element surrounding our D.N.A. is also the reason to support our D.N.A. to live long or short.
I mean even D.N.A. die but our wave is never die and still back up the structure code to recall element energy and reborn again.
Some of our D.N.A. be able to practice the behavior & instinct.
Some of our D.N.A. be unable to practice or remain behavior & instinct either short life or long life.
We might be a wild animal on another planet at the time that we are human still on earth.
We will be anything that we keep practice or even just keep thinking and mention of it. The Jar of Behavior & Instinct had already collect our concentrate memory.
To becomes The Shape of Us
Is really depends on
what we could practice
Are you an Assassin?
Are you selfish by taking what ever you don't belong?
Are you messed up in relationships?
Are you an Unfaithful?
Are you drunk and losing self control?
Obtain to fix those of 5 opposites are Helping us
becoming normal ​shape of us or Human norm.
Canopic Jar
We could read this body right the way when we see Canopic Jar.
Canopic jar is represent to thing that this body had ever practice the most in life and can touch his energy through represent life that sculpture on Canopic jar.
Once determine that those animals DNA or Human who donated were matching perfectly with person who need to had The Mummy Treatment to cured any lifetime decease or any body disability condition. Then stem-cell which suit to help repair the petient will be choosen to testing 3 times in labatory. All stem-cell will dip in honey plate saperately to test for chances to get infection, fungal or allegations before test all those selected stem cell together and must show the result that works together perfectly to weather comfirm that no side effection.
That was the reason why only rich people can went to consult for treatement.
Just consult will never done in one hour, one day or one month. Each case were not the same since it depend on the petient condition and the best stem cell were not easy to find and to keep long without using.
Due to the fact, differrent life has different metabolism level.
So that will better to allowed those metabolism in selected stem cell adjust themself harmony inside The Mummy body.
Even though, could be outside body while rebuilt or copy organ by sending plasma via tube back and forth from origin body to senitized vase.
When stem cell transfer through bones joint, they will transfer new value of electric to blood cell then blood cell run to The Heart.
The heart will recieved those information rapidly then built up new layer of new muscle memory around before oxigen washed bad acid and recharged electric with new information.
New electic value that active new wave vibration will sent to the brain to calculate and filter shape of eletricity equally for left side center and right side of body throught back bones to collected in muscle and organs.
It is matter if anyone need to cured any decease, they will need to start from heart because heart can changed wave vibration or personal behavior that can fix the whole body decease.
Meanwhile, all petient must practice themself first to understand the logic of life, nature, meditation, forgiveness, hate, love, throughout any behavior which cause forhibit behavior to return to rebuilt decease again but stronger and out of treatment.
So all Mummy were woke up with new mindset and live they life carefully together with sharing experience of human every community class.
Art & Entertainment
And more from what they love they will shared for free.Human and animal were so equal and understand each other to respect not cross the line.
That was the time that animal ever devolope to really smart level plus large or toll body more than us now.
All statue which representing half human half animal was the legend of Human and Animal were sharing each other life by exchanging stem cell to repair bones, tissue, organ, rebuilt organs, cured every decease from minor to major like cancer for live long.
There was the most successful that the generation of human could ever reached.
To becomes The Shape of Us
Is really depends on
what we could practice
Are you an Assassin?
Are you selfish by taking what ever you don't belong?
Are you messed up in relationships?
Are you an Unfaithful?
Are you drunk and losing self control?
Obtain to fix those of 5 opposites are Helping us
becoming normal ​shape of us or Human norm.
Concentrate Metabolism plasma
Life who live on the ground Before us had naturally high level of metabolism to protect the whole body during differences of temperature seasons, condition in the air and unstable of magnet fields at that time.
Function and Infusion are Rapid reaction that could happend before and beyond brain will realized or eyes to see.
If want to compare metebolism plasma with any job title that human do, it could be postman who has responsibility to pick up and send to the correct address.
But it does not write the address and information with pen or hand.
How does metabolism knows who is reciever and sender?
Someone might laugh but I going to say it anyway.
It works by the order of heart.
Blood cell is the envelope that filled with nuclous which coating electricity that works together with mitrocondia as magnet hybrid energy that pulsing as the heart rate at the center of the heart. There is exchange point to recharge or reheat electric energy then copy heart's wave from automatic instinc or DNA, every experience, nuetrition, element inside out and more.
So that's mean each blood cell will recieved differeces electricity level to active the wave frequency in difference shape, such as type of nuetrition, mood, any senses affectivity and more
To categorize type of electricity wave frequency. Every single blood cell will transfer electricity copy out to build new cell copy or organ. Blood cell has equal amount to organ cell as a pair.
It is movable like water but hold tight when live outside tissue protection. That because metabolism plasma is trying to form shape to protect itself from chemical infusion that molecul holding like web or net. Then extract or squeez gelatin that contain collagen to coat surface, stack layers up together with filling the gap with amino acid and upgrade to protine.
the lowest level
Live underwater
, live with wings or no leg has stronger metabolism to help them survive in hot water, cold water, air or fast moving that cause high acid in blood.
When live in the dark hot- Metabolism will increase the amount of iron and change collagen to gelatin or see through for balancing body tempreture by protect all 3 skin level. More fantastically is metabolism could mimic every color it touching even invisible color.
I am afraid that might be someone sit near me now.
Every live grow and movable by metabolism plasma.
If it concentrate to black color level, those metabolism will be able to live outside body and copy anything to unlimited shape that because it super concentrate and sticky. Be able to live to survive by transform the sun light to chloraphyll and absorb food mineral from the ground to grow as the plant, vine,fungal, egg, spores, seed tree or colorful crystals.
And or find a new host either death body or still alive.
Sticky oil like basamic reduction inside The Mummy, conopic jar and tub near ritual.
or actually that was
The remain of orinal Mummy's blood?
If so, then
Giza was a place of eternity life.
no worries if you body is cut pieces.
Half Human half animal was nothing for them to fell surprised!
Because it was
Next level and beyond of treatment.
They was
Place of Life
Electricity is Life
Balance of life
Metabolism & Plasma exchange center.
To purchase
To upgrade
To clone
To donate organ
To grow new organ
By send their sleeping body through small tube move to each process like The Dall factory or automatic car washing machine.
That was not easy for people who need this kind of treatment if they scare of deep sleeping.
Deep sleep is sound relaxing but sleep until organ were completely connected underneath linen tape and draw your body in the concentrate metebolism plasma.
To heal, to exchange nutrions
Our blood is too weak.
We can see when blood run through the cut and drop on the ground then change from watery to harder or firm. If our blood has that strong metabolism plasma, our blood can becomes new life in 1 minute without firtilization from sex.